Central Heating - The Renewable People

Central Heating

Heating For Every Home

Central Heating

Heating For Every Home

With rising energy costs across the UK,the demand for an efficient central heating system has skyrocketed. Millions of households may be eligible for such systems under ECO 4 eligibility requirements, including Gas Fired Central Heating Systems.

How It Works

Traditional boilers heat water which is then circulated through pipes connected to radiators and underfloor heating. Under ECO 4, the new Gas Fired Central Heating Systems will use a ‘combi boiler’ – a type of boiler that provides hot water and central heating to the same system on demand.

Installation Process

The installation of a gas fired Central heating system is a relatively straightforward task



A qualified assessor will conduct an energy performance certificate (EPC) survey to establish the energy requirements for each room and the property.


Radiator Installation

In most cases, the radiators will be installed before the boiler.


Boiler Installation

Prior to boiler installation, the property’s water and gas will be turned off.



Temperature control systems such as TRVs and thermostats are then installe

*Note – Installation may cause disruption; pipes connecting boilers, radiators, and valves may require lifting carpets or floorboards. Homeowners will be informed and flooring will be restored.

6 Steps For A Greener Home


Get Started

Please fill out our form. An advisor will reach out to discuss your options and schedule a free, no-obligation home survey.
Click here to access the form.



Our surveyor will visit your property at a time convenient for you to measure and photograph all areas inside and outside your property.



Our team assesses the survey to identify ideal energy-saving improvements for your property.
We will contact you to discuss your options and agree on a plan.



You will be sent a written home improvement plan by our retrofit coordinator, you will need to digitally sign and return this plan.



Our install booking team will be in touch to agree installation date(s) once a plan has been agreed upon.



Installation will take place as per details mentioned on our product page.

Our team will then send out your paperwork and warranties within 2-8 weeks.


Get Started

Please fill out our form. An advisor will reach out to discuss your options and schedule a free, no-obligation home survey.
Click here to access the form.



Our surveyor will visit your property at a time convenient for you to measure and photograph all areas inside and outside your property.



Our team assesses the survey to identify ideal energy-saving improvements for your property.
We will contact you to discuss your options and agree on a plan.



You will be sent a written home improvement plan by our retrofit coordinator, you will need to digitally sign and return this plan.



Our install booking team will be in touch to agree installation date(s) once a plan has been agreed upon.



Installation will take place as per details mentioned on our product page.

Our team will then send out your paperwork and warranties within 2-8 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

A central heating system is a network of pipes and radiators that distribute heat throughout a building, ensuring a comfortable temperature in every room.

The cost of installing a new heating system in the UK varies based on factors like property size and chosen system. Fill the form to get an accurate estimate.

When it comes to central heating, renewable energy options are gaining popularity. Heat pumps, such as air source or ground source, are considered among the best forms of central heating. They harness natural energy sources and provide efficient, eco-friendly heating for your home.

Central heating systems can be highly efficient, with modern boilers achieving efficiencies of over 90%. Regular maintenance and insulation improvements can further enhance efficiency of your system.

Gas central heating is generally cost-effective due to the relatively low cost of gas. However, factors like insulation, system efficiency, and energy prices can impact overall expenses. It's advisable to consider long-term costs and energy efficiency ratings when making a decision.

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